Somewhere else.
The rain came falling down upon the road down below my window as i muttered to myself.
- Wouldnt it be nice just to be somewhere else...!
Never had a working day felt so downstraight boring as this one. Yawning thru the morning, all thru the day, my sense of determination was being dull as an old lumberjack axe.
Unfortunately for me, the hours that remained felt like monumental giants rising up to the sky, claiming the sun for themselves. No sun and no glory for me. Only a glooming feeling of absence of life is all there is.....
Also if i didnt sell, my conscience would get one more thorn into its already bludgened shell.
Oh, how i longed to run away from this place.
Even to sit om my now rainsoaked bike would make my lips change its demeanor.
But when your at work, you dont have time enough to think about these things. You must do your work and nothing more.
Well, that may be as it may, i just cant release this feeling of wanting to be somewhere else....